TGNP Mtandao conducted a five days training for three
clusters on public expenditure tracking system. The training was held on 15th
to 19th September in Morogoro town. This training was phased in
three where by government officials such as WEO’s, VEO’s and selected district
officials received an intensive training and followed by selected community
animators and back to departmental district officials.
The training was three fold which included PETS, Good
governance and accountability and the budgetary circle and process. The first
two groups although not combined received a similar package while the third
group received a tailor made training that focused only on district officers.
The purpose of the training was to raise awareness and
capacity building for three clusters on the two tools and the concept of good
governance and accountability which are of interest to both the citizens and
the officials.

Facilitated by an experienced PETS trainer, Mr. Godlisten Moshi
pointed out that good governance and accountability is a two way responsibility,
both government leaders and community members have the responsibility of
ensuring good governance and accountability principles are adhehered by both
He also said that “Government Officials have no need to
worry about citizens conducting PETS or formulating PETS team because they are
not TAKUKURU or Police officers or Auditors, instead they should see it as part
of citizens’ responsibility and constitutional right to work with them to
achieve results for the mutual good.
On the other hand according the training facilitator elected
and non elected officials have a responsibility to be accountable to their
people on public resources utilization and emphasized that citizens have the
right to demand for reports on village revenues and expenditure. He further
explained the duties and rights of citizens and the duties of different levels
of government officials.
Participants also understood that it is imperative that both
citizens and leaders come together to plan, discuss and identify their
priorities before they write their annual budgets instead of leaving the task
to their community leaders only. This required the citizens to be aware and to
take active part in the O&OD process which usually takes place at the
village/street levels.
Participants on the other hand especially the animators
complained on two major things one being that in most cases village meetings
are not called by officials and even when they demand for them still there is
no positive response yet another complain was that of citizens not showing up
for meetings when they are called especially the women and youths, this leaves
most decisions in the hands of few men.
Officials on their side raised a concern on the delay of
disbursement of government funds for village implementation hence they find
themselves not to have accomplished what they planned to do at the end of the
financial year.

During an interview with one of the journalist a participant
from the officials side said who was also accused for not cooperating with
citizens in formulating the PETS team, publicly declared that “although the
time I have left in the office is short, I will go back and discuss with my
fellows and see what we can do to ensure that the teams are formed”.
This official also explained that before the training they
had an idea about Pets, but after attending the training they now have a deeper
understanding on the system. Therefore he believes that he is now in a good
position to catalyze its implementation and give support to animators.
All participants from Kisaki village appreciated the effort
that TGNP Mtandao is making and are acknowledging that in their area the
citizens and community leaders have been working together cooperatively in
ensuring that the priorities of the people are implemented. The training has therefore
boosted their motivation.
The training ended on 19th September with a brief
session with district officials on PETS explaining the legal position of PETS
and PETS committees, their duties and boundaries and the facilitator also
explained the importance of departmental district officials to give cooperation
to committees.